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peter brock test page
Hi friend
I am excited to be taking part in Run for Change, in support of Jewish Aid Australia (JAA).
Please support me by making a donation to help JAA continue its work with vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas. It would be great if you could share my page above or comment below so more people know about it.
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a DGR receipt via email as soon as you make a donation.
Thank you for supporting my every step!
The Peter Brock Foundation
The Peter Brock Foundation assists individuals in crisis, that have been affected by Natural Disasters, Disability and Medical Illness, Family crisis, and relationship breakdown and supports community events and educational programs Nationally. Established in 1997 By Peter and Bev Brock as a public trust fund, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been distributed to the community, both in program funding and individuals in crisis, who are not entitled to funding by any other source.
A great asset to this country as a charity, we don't receive any government funding, and assist as many people as possible in our much needed and under resourced programs. 2013 has seen a complete restructure, and a focus on our youth disability project, as well as our on-going funding for individuals. The development of our harm to calm program, with a focus of child protection in Domestic Violence, especially adolescent boys who are unable to attend women's shelters with their mothers, and either end up in foster care, or living in the family car, until they are forced to return to their violent home.
Help us help as many people as we can.
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